Lectura y comprensión de texto (Parte 2)

La lectura es un aspecto fundamental en el aprendizaje del idioma inglés. Existen ciertos beneficios fundamentales que traen aparejada la lectura y comprensión de textos en esta lengua. Entre estos beneficios, podemos destacar:

A) Vocabulario / Vocabulary

Cuando se procede a leer un texto en inglés, se comprende una mayor cantidad de palabras y por ende se incrementa considerablemente el vocabulario adquirido en este idioma. Más importante aún, se logra que nuestro cerebro deduzca palabras nuevas del contexto antes de siquiera utilizar un diccionario (por supuesto que sea inglés-inglés). No solo se aprenden nuevas palabras sino que se repasan muchas otras que antes se habían aprendido y que al leer se consolidan mejor en nuestro propio vocabulario.

B) Gramática / Grammar

Al leer un texto, no solo se logra identificar estructuras sino reforzar el uso de dichas estructuras a través del contexto. Muchas veces al estudiar diversas estructuras gramaticales, leemos solo temas relacionados a los objetivos de una unidad. La lectura permite ver como todas las diversas estructuras logran una armonía y hacen que forme un mensaje unificado. Se ven tiempos de pasado, presente y futuro en acción y esto es vital para formar fluidez y no estar limitados a patrones rígidos que hacen del inglés un curso sin dinámica.

C) Redacción / Writing

Esta es una de las áreas más complicadas del aprendizaje del inglés. La lectura ayuda mucho a mejorar la redacción dado que al leer diversas frases, el cerebro las incorpora como modelos a reproducir en un futuro. Un ejemplo de ello son los emails de negocios. Si se leen estos correos de forma seguida, escribir un email resultará mucho más fácil.

D) Comprensión de Texto/ Reading Comprehension

La comprensión lectora representa una orientación fundamental para el desarrollo de las habilidades de pensamiento del ser humano; es decir, hablar, escuchar, leer y escribir. El proceso está encaminado hacia el inglés como lengua extranjera. Además, constituye un enfoque que sirve de referencia para ejecutar tanto los procesos educativos como formativos, a corto, mediano y largo plazo. Comprender lo que se lee está relacionado con la capacidad de entendimiento del estudiante en dicha lengua, y el saber hacer en un contexto determinado.

1) Lea el artículo y realice el ejercicio

Dealing with my sister's fame

In five short months, my sister Olivia has gone from clumsy schoolgirl to successful model. She is 16; I am 19. She can command 3,000 a day; I struggle on a low wage. (1)... My relationship with my sister has never been tranquil. For as long as I can remember, we have fought over everything. For years we could not be in the same room without arguing.

(2)... Olivia set off for Paris last summer and was offered a contract by the head of a modelling agency. The only snag was that, to take advantage of it, she would have to give up school.

(3)... Did I feel jealous? Not really. My own aim is to become a fashion designer, not the body that shows off the clothes. Indeed, as Olivia acquired ever more fashion contacts, I began to realize that the time had come for me to start being nicer to her.

(4)... Watching Olivia work is fascinating. Modelling is not generally seen as a demanding job, but I think you have to be a bit of an extrovert and very patient to do it as well. I've done some modelling but I'm not a natural like she is.

(5)... But, surprisingly, it has improved our relationship. I can't even remember the last time we had a real fight.

Consigna: Elija la oración más adecuada para llenar cada espacio en el texto (1-5). A continuación, escriba el número apropiado junto a cada oración. Cinco de las frases no encajan en ninguno de los espacios. En ese caso, debe marcarlas con un 0 (cero).

Our mother put it down to 'healthy competition'. Olivia, I suppose, would say that there is a power struggle between us. But as the elder, I have always been the stronger, and even though we don't fight physically any more, as far as I'm concerned I'm the boss. (____)

So I can see that she's suited to it. Nevertheless, my sister's sudden rise to fame has been bizarre to watch over the past year. It has been like having your best friend and worst enemy win the lottery, simultaneously. (____)

But all was not lost. A compromise was reached that allowed her to do modelling part-time. (____)

Last summer, I worked an exhausting 55-hour week as a waitress for three months. I managed to earn an amount that is dwarfed by Olivia's daily rate. (____)

I was surprised to find myself being approached by a tall, elegant figure. I was extremely shocked to discover that it was my little sister. (____)

This has not been as hard as I had expected. Modelling has forced Olivia to grow up a bit and made her less irritating. To keep up with her schoolwork and model professionally, she needs solid support at home - and that includes me. (____)

Respuestas correctas:

Our mother put it down to 'healthy competition'. Olivia, I suppose, would say that there is a power struggle between us. But as the elder, I have always been the stronger, and even though we don't fight physically any more, as far as I'm concerned I'm the boss. (_2_)

So I can see that she's suited to it. Nevertheless, my sister's sudden rise to fame has been bizarre to watch over the past year. It has been like having your best friend and worst enemy win the lottery, simultaneously. (_5_)

But all was not lost. A compromise was reached that allowed her to do modelling part-time. (_3_)

Last summer, I worked an exhausting 55-hour week as a waitress for three months. I managed to earn an amount that is dwarfed by Olivia's daily rate. (_1_)

I was surprised to find myself being approached by a tall, elegant figure. I was extremely shocked to discover that it was my little sister. (_0_)

This has not been as hard as I had expected. Modelling has forced Olivia to grow up a bit and made her less irritating. To keep up with her schoolwork and model professionally, she needs solid support at home - and that includes me. (_4_)

2) Lea el artículo y realice el ejercicio

The real Snow White

Adriana Caselotti was the first person to audition to be the voice of Snow White in the classic Walt Disney cartoon film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. It was to be over a year before she heard that she had indeed landed the job. She was 19 years old. Here, she tells her story. (1)...'Then, once he had chosen someone, he always liked to copy the person's features for the cartoon character as much as possible. So, before the cartoonists could draw anything at all, he had to decide who would be the voice of Snow White.'

(2)...'He had wanted someone who could sing and speak as a child. Although the person had to sound young, she had to have operatic training to hit so many high notes. I was able to do this very easily because I was a natural singer.'

(3)...'I was having a ball, enjoying it so much. I really didn't know how phenomenally successful it would be.'

(4)...'It's turned out to be the most fabulous thing that's ever happened in my life. I can walk down the street and nobody will recognize me, but the moment I open my mouth they know it's Snow White. It's made my life so happy.'

Consigna: Elija la oración más adecuada para llenar cada espacio en el texto (1-5). A continuación, escriba el número apropiado junto a cada oración. Cinco de las frases no encajan en ninguno de los espacios. En ese caso, debe marcarlas con un 0 (cero).

'I didn't begin to realize that until the night of the premiere. When it was being made, I just did my work.' (____)

'When that was done, he decided he would go with my hair colour, and at the time my hair was quite dark. Before then, I think she was going to be a blonde.' (____)

'The film took over two years to make. Surprisingly, I only worked 44 days, but they were long ones. Of course, I was handed all my lines in advance and for the most part I worked alone, so I could accomplish very much during that time.' (____)

'Then the musical director handed me the song 'Someday My Prince Will Come'. He went over to the piano to play for me and when I sang the song he was sold on me right then.' (____)

'Everyone who was tried out for a part as a voice on a Walt Disney picture did so in front of Walt. But they didn't see him, as he always sat behind a curtain so as not to be influenced by the person's looks on this first encounter.' (____)

Respuestas correctas:

'I didn't begin to realize that until the night of the premiere. When it was being made, I just did my work.' (_4_)

'When that was done, he decided he would go with my hair colour, and at the time my hair was quite dark. Before then, I think she was going to be a blonde.' (_2_)

'The film took over two years to make. Surprisingly, I only worked 44 days, but they were long ones. Of course, I was handed all my lines in advance and for the most part I worked alone, so I could accomplish very much during that time.' (_3_)

'Then the musical director handed me the song 'Someday My Prince Will Come'. He went over to the piano to play for me and when I sang the song he was sold on me right then.' (_0_)

'Everyone who was tried out for a part as a voice on a Walt Disney picture did so in front of Walt. But they didn't see him, as he always sat behind a curtain so as not to be influenced by the person's looks on this first encounter.' (_1_)